How to Stay Sane(ish) During Lockdown

As humans, we always want to be in control. We seek patterns and adjust to them. Getting set in habits gives us a break and allows us to set life on autopilot. Patterns, habits, and routines help us feel safe, since outcomes are usually predictable .

“Well, not anymore!” says COVID-19. Everything that felt normal has blown up in our faces. The security blanket under neath us has been abruptly yanked away. We are in shock. Things seems chaotic and beyond our control. 

In times like these, we are reminded of other uncertain times we’ve suffered in the past . Sadness, anger, panic, anxiety, fear, frustration, and depression are swallowing us, making us feel unmotivated to carry on our daily lives.

These are all negative emotions that weaken our immune system.

So here is a lifeline!

First, take a deep breath! 

Let’s take a look at the situation from a different perspective as an observer.

And ask yourself, “What is in my control to change, and what isn’t?” 

I can:

  • Wash my hands

  • Take my vitamins 

  • Fight loneliness by staying in touch with friends and family with the help of 21st Century technology

  • Spread laughter and kindness to others by staying calm, even if it feels forced

  • Offer help to my neighbors while remaining six feet apart and feel a sense of belonging

  • Turn off the 24/7 death/sickness count news announcements from all over the world (news from other parts of the country/world are beyond my control and stressing about will lower my immune system)

  • Focus on one task at the time  

  • Live one day at the time, since I have no way of knowing what tomorrow holds

  • Go for a walk and get some sun for at least fifteen minutes every day (that vitamin D is priceless)

When you catch yourself worrying about an uncertain future, ground yourself by coming back to the present moment. Notice sensory inputs like the temperature in the room, the feeling of your breathing, the sights, sounds, and colors around you. For example: Choose some color in your mind and start searching for that color in your environment. Make it a game!

Think about how you can provide emotional support to others. You have the power to make others laugh and offer comfort or distraction from the sorrows. Take it as a challenge!

Take this unnerving time as an opportunity to re-invent yourself. Think of yourself as a butterfly still in a cocoon. You are going through your own transformation. 

There are no longer any excuses. You must go inward and improve yourself with the skills and knowledge of things you’ve always wanted to master.

The world is changing, and your newly learned skills will become useful. If you don’t feel like preparing for the future, then take on these challenges for your own sanity.